Day 11 (pipers piping) goes to We Advance, the amazing non-profit dedicated to helping advance the health, safety and well-being of women in Haiti. Founded by my friend Maria Bello, its work has centered in Wharf Jeremy and Cite Soleil, the poorest slums in Haiti, and provides basic health services and adult education. In 2011, We Advance delivered these services to over 50,000 Haitians. I visited the clinic earlier this year, and was so impressed with the work and the commitment to community involvement.
In addition, We Advance has been able to make great strides connecting womens groups with each other in Haiti. Just last week, We Advance was announced as the official liaison between the Haitian Ministry of Women’s Affairs to all international NGO’s and governments concerning women’s issues in Haiti. Hats off to Maria and to everyone involved with We Advance.
Tomorrow: Drummers drumming??
Day 10: Ushers New Look Foundation
Day 9: Sewall-Belmont House & Museum
Day 8: Heifer International
Day 7: Girl Scouts
Day 6: Center for International Private Enterprise
Day 5: Umoja Jewelry
Day 4: Women in Public Service
Day 3: GlobalGiving
Day 2: Pax World
Day 1: Women Thrive