
Stephenie Foster has been fighting for women and girls her entire career – She has deep and broad expertise in women’s economic and political empowerment, with decades of experience on Capitol Hill, in the Executive Branch, the nonprofit sector, and the law.  Stephenie has consistently used her voice and actions to change discriminatory laws and policies and help shift cultural norms and inequalities.

The 2nd Annual Stephenie Foster Advocate of the Year Award (AYA) recognizes the passion, effort and resourcefulness of someone who persistently takes action and fights for equality – strategically overcoming obstacles and challenges that thwart progress and success– on behalf of women and girls.

The 2023 Awardees:

In 2023, the Inaugural Stephenie Foster Advocate of the Year Award recognized three remarkable individuals and organizations for their outstanding dedication and contributions to their respective causes. The honorees were:

Christina Lowery, the CEO of Girl Rising, was the Advocate of the Year for 2023. Christina’s visionary leadership and advocacy have spearheaded global efforts to break barriers to education for girls, inspiring transformative change on a monumental scale.

Angela Patton, CEO of Girls for a Change, and Diania Pimenta, with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) Florida, were runners-up. Angela’s tireless efforts with Girls for a Change have empowered countless “at-promise” young African-American women and girls, fostering their personal growth and leadership skills. Diania’s impactful work within GFWC Florida significantly advanced women’s rights and community development initiatives. 

These awardees exemplify the spirit of Stephenie Foster’s intent, embodying compassion, resilience, and unwavering commitment to social progress and a more equitable world.

Learn more about Stephenie.

“It is a true honor to be one of the inaugural recipients of the Stephenie Foster Advocacy Award. Collaborating with Stephenie and her team has been a rewarding experience, allowing us to showcase the global work we are advancing at Girl Rising to change the way the world values girls and their education. The award gift will impact girls and young women in over five countries and contribute to creating greater opportunities for them. We are thankful to Stephenie for her generosity, and also as a role model and pioneer. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with her to raise awareness about the critical importance of supporting girls and women.”

Christina Lowery

CEO, Girl Rising, Inc.

The 2nd Annual Stephenie Foster Advocate of the Year Award:

Do you know a colleague, friend or advocate whose dedicated work has made strides towards greater equality? Consider nominating them for the Stephenie Foster Advocate of the Year Award (AYA).

Take Action will present the AYA to an individual who has made a significant impact with outstanding work in the fight for women and girls.  This Award will highlight the critical work, innovative solutions, unique collaborations, and strategic efforts that are creating a more gender-equitable world. The Advocate of the Year Awardee will receive a $10,000 award ($7,500 for their 501(c)3 Organization and $2,500 for the advocate to use as they desire). The award also includes optional leadership skills training and strategic project advice.

The Stephenie Foster Advocate of the Year Award and monetary gift is granted at the sole discretion of Stephenie Foster.

Award Parameters:
  • U.S. resident or permanent resident

  • Demonstrated action fighting for women and girls in the United States through a program, initiative or individual leadership 

  • While work conducted on behalf of large organizations is admired and critical, this particular award gives precedence to individuals advocating without resources and support normally granted to larger entities


To submit a nomination for the AYA please complete the nomination form below or you can also download the nomination for HERE and return it via email. Self nominations are accepted.  We made the application brief with only 10 open-ended questions, but please allow yourself 20 minutes or so to complete. The more supporting details you can provide, the stronger the application.
