Being Thankful & Fighting Human Trafficking

Instead of spending Thanksgiving weekend watching the Macys Parade, eating turkey and shopping (my usual Thanksgiving activities), I was in Amsterdam and London for meetings on fighting human trafficking. Human trafficking, or modern day slavery, is an enormous global...

Thanksgiving Wishes

As we begin this Thanksgiving week, I am struck by how much I have to be thankful for this year. Yes, we live in difficult, uncertain and tension filled times. But, I am thankful for being able to listen to so many others around the world and learn from them. Despite...

@esraa2008: Facebook Revolutionary

Facebook girl isnt a girl, really. Esraa Abdel Fattah is a courageous 33 year old activist who has been a driving force for social change in her country, Egypt. Shes both a pragmatist and an optimist, with an understanding that change is both hard fought and hard won....