Home Again!

I’m back in DC for a few weeks, and looking forward to seeing family and friends.  I realize that I haven’t blogged in a bit, and here’s why.  It’s been a busy month in Kabul, most importantly with Secretary Kerry’s visit and our ability, through his...

Writing About Divorce (Law)

Last year, I spent some time writing about divorce – no, not my own – but divorce law and practice in four countries.  Here is my take away.  A country’s laws and practices around divorce are indicative of how a country values women.  I’m pleased that the newly...

From Mumbai to the Maldives

What a journey, and an amazing set of contrasts. (As I called it before I left, the “great contrasts tour,” and I was right!”) Mumbai was a lot like I expected – hectic, exciting, historic, overcrowded and yet very comfortable. The colonial influence prevails...

Judging the Jessup

This blog was also posted on Huffington Post on February 5, 2013. Stories about Afghanistan are often told in large set pieces about war, violence and regional history.  And in fact those stories are critical to understanding the region, the country and the life that...