Congratulations to Kah Walla and the Cameroon Peoples Party for filing the official papers for Kahs presidential run in Cameroon. The elections are scheduled for October 9.

I listed this as one of five elections to watch for women earlier this year:

Paul Biya has been the President of Cameroon since 1982. He is being challenged this fall by Kah Walla, a dynamic woman who previously served as a city council member in Douala, Cameroon. Ms. Walla is an entrepreneur and is internationally recognized for her expertise in management, her understanding of development issues and her leadership in public life. She was recognized by the World Bank as one of seven women entrepreneurs in Africa working on business environment reform and by Vital Voices for her leadership in public life. Her firm, STRATEGIES!, works for multinational firms as well as development organizations. For more information, see as well as this post for an update on Kah’s recent detention in Cameroon: