CIPEDay 6 (geese a laying) made me think about the importance of women in business. And, so I am highlighting a global organization that works with both women and men to develop business skills and support advocacy for legal reforms to build a better business climate, the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). CIPE works with women entrepreneurs across the globe to identify barriers to entrepreneurship and provides relevant training, capacity building, and support through womens associations.

Womens business associations are important venues for women to advocate for legal reforms to improve the business environment. In Bangladesh, for example, CIPE worked with
the Bangladesh Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry to change the baking rules to ease access to credit for women entrepreneurs. Because of these changes, to date, nearly $23 million has been provided to over 3,000 women entrepreneurs, helping to create around 20,000 new jobs.

I spoke at CIPEs Democracy that Delivers for Women conference earlier this year, and was so impressed by how its work has helped women in so many countries gain economic and political power.

Tomorrow: Swimming Swans?

Day Five: Umoja Jewelry

Day Four: Women in Public Service

Day Three: GlobalGiving

Day Two: Pax World

Day One: Women Thrive